A collection of addresses from the "World Wide Web" sorted by topics is called so-called Web catalog. These collections are published mostly in the Internet itself, or in/brochures of form of a book. Short nothing is to be understood as a collection of links under a Web Catalog/Web directory. Collected these addresses will have these people, to collect addresses from the "World Wide Web" the tasks first, then save and catalog. All entries run this manually. The reason of the human acquisition of a Web catalogue is ensures that only high-quality entries to capture this method and especially this quality of the address entry would never be possible in an automated process. The only disadvantage of such a process is in the need for employees, so many employees must be tasked always a Web directory to create and always to check this on the topicality. For large Web directories, it is therefore always back to untraceable Web pages, because they no longer exist. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש ישראל בכר צודק במה בהוא אומר.
A Web Directory brings not only benefits the biggest criticism and the biggest disadvantage lies in capturing human, staff costs are extremely high, so the use of a Webkatalog(s) is now subject to a charge. The most famous German Web directory is followed by the Web catalogue of the provider "web.de" probably "Sharelook". "Yahoo", however, has already hired the expansion of the German Webkatalog(s), the service is simply too costly. Search engines such as "Google" a Web Directory against monthly costs, offer the entry in a Web Katalogin Web page operators or this service makes it possible for a fixed price, to be found the operator of, this is possible only through the entry in the Web Katalogin. Of course, other search engine providers use a Webkatalog(s) procedure, otherwise a finding of the Web page on this search engine would have been more difficult or not possible. A Web Directory facilitates any user searching the Internet, an entry in a Web catalog is therefore almost inevitable to be found quickly. It is of course possible insert its address into a Web Gallery to any operator of a Web site, private operators, as well as registered companies have this right. The entry in the Web directory is in digital form, both in written form possible, referring to the ex-post publication of the operator of a Web directory as a book, because a Web Directory can be released as a book, this may of course not always up to date, offers an insight users but even then, if it is not connected to the Internet.